
Feature preprocessing for a regression problem using autoPP:

Demo Code:
import pandas as pd
from funcPP import PPtools
from autoPP import dynaPreprocessing

df = pd.read_csv('../data/preprocessing/breast_cancer.csv')

custom_parameters = {
    "scaler" : ["None", "standard"],
     # threshold number of category dimension
    "encode_band" : [6],
     # low dimension encoding
    "low_encode" : ["onehot","label"],
     # high dimension encoding
    "high_encode" : ["frequency", "mean"],
    "winsorizer" : [(0.1,0.1)],
    "sparsity" : [0.4862],
    "cols" : [27]
dyna = dynaPreprocessing(custom_parameters = custom_parameters, label_col = 'diagnosis', model_type = "reg")
dict_df = dyna.fit(input_data = df)
print(f"Total combinations: {len(dict_df.keys())}")
 Now in Progress - Data Preprocessing Ensemble Iteration: Estimate about 0
Total combinations: 64
     diagnosis    Size_3  area_mean  compactness_mean  concave points_mea
0            1  1.290564   1.151477          1.730765             1.63873
1            1 -1.423416   1.823311         -0.679975             0.53514
2            1 -0.066426   1.823311          1.163585             1.63873
3            1  1.290564  -1.011406          1.730765             1.63873
4            1 -0.066426   1.823311          0.548763             1.61037
..         ...       ...        ...               ...                  ..
281          0 -0.066426  -0.866487         -1.300016            -0.80503
282          1 -0.066426   1.657991          0.807396             1.30604
283          1 -0.066426   0.462408          1.624135             1.17625
284          0 -0.066426  -0.552378         -0.290663            -0.60750
285          0  1.290564  -0.649460         -1.300016            -1.25679
[286 rows x 26 columns]

Features selection for a regression problem using autoFS:

Demo Code:
import pandas as pd
from dynapipe.autoFS import dynaFS_reg

tr_features = pd.read_csv('./data/regression/train_features.csv')
tr_labels = pd.read_csv('./data/regression/train_labels.csv')

# Set input_form_file = False, when label values are array. Select 'True' from Pandas dataframe.
reg_fs_demo = dynaFS_reg( fs_num = 5,random_state = 13,cv = 5,input_from_file = True)
# Select detail_info = True, when you want to see the detail of the iteration
reg_fs_demo.fit(tr_features,tr_labels,detail_info = False)
*DynaPipe* autoFS Module ===> Selector kbest_f gets outputs: ['INDUS', 'NOX', 'RM', 'PTRATIO', 'LSTAT']
Progress: [###-----------------] 14.3%

*DynaPipe* autoFS Module ===> Selector rfe_svm gets outputs: ['CHAS', 'NOX', 'RM', 'PTRATIO', 'LSTAT']
Progress: [######--------------] 28.6%

*DynaPipe* autoFS Module ===> Selector rfe_tree gets outputs: ['CRIM', 'RM', 'DIS', 'TAX', 'LSTAT']
Progress: [#########-----------] 42.9%

*DynaPipe* autoFS Module ===> Selector rfe_rf gets outputs: ['CRIM', 'RM', 'DIS', 'PTRATIO', 'LSTAT']
Progress: [###########---------] 57.1%

*DynaPipe* autoFS Module ===> Selector rfecv_svm gets outputs: ['CRIM', 'ZN', 'INDUS', 'CHAS', 'NOX', 'RM', 'AGE', 'DIS', 'RAD', 'TAX', 'PTRATIO', 'B', 'LSTAT']
Progress: [##############------] 71.4%

*DynaPipe* autoFS Module ===> Selector rfecv_tree gets outputs: ['CRIM', 'CHAS', 'NOX', 'RM', 'AGE', 'DIS', 'TAX', 'PTRATIO', 'B', 'LSTAT']
Progress: [#################---] 85.7%

*DynaPipe* autoFS Module ===> Selector rfecv_rf gets outputs: ['CRIM', 'ZN', 'NOX', 'RM', 'AGE', 'DIS', 'RAD', 'TAX', 'PTRATIO', 'B', 'LSTAT']
Progress: [####################] 100.0%

The DynaPipe autoFS identify the top 5 important features for regression are: ['RM', 'LSTAT', 'PTRATIO', 'NOX', 'CRIM'].

Model selection for a classification problem using autoCV:

Demo Code:
import pandas as pd
from dynapipe.autoCV import dynaClassifier,evaluate_clf_model
import joblib

tr_features = pd.read_csv('./data/classification/train_features.csv')
tr_labels = pd.read_csv('./data/classification/train_labels.csv')
val_features = pd.read_csv('./data/classification/val_features.csv')
val_labels = pd.read_csv('./data/classification/val_labels.csv')

# Set input_form_file = False, when label values are array. Select 'True' from Pandas dataframe.
clf_cv_demo = dynaClassifier(random_state = 13,cv_num = 5,input_from_file = True)
# Select detail_info = True, when you want to see the detail of the iteration
clf_cv_demo.fit(tr_features,tr_labels,detail_info = False)

models = {}
for mdl in ['lgr','svm','mlp','rf','ada','gb','xgb']:
    models[mdl] = joblib.load('./pkl/{}_clf_model.pkl'.format(mdl))

for name, mdl in models.items():
    evaluate_clf_model(name, mdl, val_features, val_labels)
*DynaPipe* autoCV Module ===> lgr_CrossValidation with 5 folds:

Best Parameters: {'C': 1, 'random_state': 13}

Best CV Score: 0.7997178628107917

Progress: [###-----------------] 14.3%

*DynaPipe* autoCV Module ===> svm_CrossValidation with 5 folds:

Best Parameters: {'C': 0.1, 'kernel': 'linear'}

Best CV Score: 0.7959619114794568

Progress: [######--------------] 28.6%

*DynaPipe* autoCV Module ===> mlp_CrossValidation with 5 folds:

Best Parameters: {'activation': 'tanh', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (50,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'lbfgs'}

Best CV Score: 0.8184094515958386

Progress: [#########-----------] 42.9%

*DynaPipe* autoCV Module ===> rf_CrossValidation with 5 folds:

Best Parameters: {'max_depth': 4, 'n_estimators': 250, 'random_state': 13}

Best CV Score: 0.8240521953800035

Progress: [###########---------] 57.1%

*DynaPipe* autoCV Module ===> ada_CrossValidation with 5 folds:

Best Parameters: {'learning_rate': 0.1, 'n_estimators': 100, 'random_state': 13}

Best CV Score: 0.824034561805678

Progress: [##############------] 71.4%

*DynaPipe* autoCV Module ===> gb_CrossValidation with 5 folds:

Best Parameters: {'learning_rate': 0.01, 'max_depth': 3, 'n_estimators': 300, 'random_state': 13}

Best CV Score: 0.8408746252865456

Progress: [#################---] 85.7%

*DynaPipe* autoCV Module ===> xgb_CrossValidation with 5 folds:

Best Parameters: {'learning_rate': 0.1, 'max_depth': 3, 'n_estimators': 200, 'verbosity': 0}

Best CV Score: 0.8464292011990832

Progress: [####################] 100.0%

lgr -- Accuracy: 0.775 / Precision: 0.712 / Recall: 0.646 / Latency: 0.0ms
svm -- Accuracy: 0.747 / Precision: 0.672 / Recall: 0.6 / Latency: 2.0ms
mlp -- Accuracy: 0.787 / Precision: 0.745 / Recall: 0.631 / Latency: 4.1ms
rf -- Accuracy: 0.809 / Precision: 0.83 / Recall: 0.6 / Latency: 37.0ms
ada -- Accuracy: 0.792 / Precision: 0.759 / Recall: 0.631 / Latency: 21.4ms
gb -- Accuracy: 0.815 / Precision: 0.796 / Recall: 0.662 / Latency: 2.0ms
xgb -- Accuracy: 0.815 / Precision: 0.786 / Recall: 0.677 / Latency: 5.0ms

Model selection for a regression problem using autoCV:

Demo Code:
import pandas as pd
from dynapipe.autoCV import evaluate_model,dynaClassifier,dynaRegressor
import joblib

from dynapipe.utilis_func import pipeline_splitting_rule, update_parameters,reset_parameters

tr_features = pd.read_csv('./data/regression/train_features.csv')
tr_labels = pd.read_csv('./data/regression/train_labels.csv')
val_features = pd.read_csv('./data/regression/val_features.csv')
val_labels = pd.read_csv('./data/regression/val_labels.csv')
te_features = pd.read_csv('./data/regression/test_features.csv')
te_labels = pd.read_csv('./data/regression/test_labels.csv')

reg_cv_demo = dynaRegressor(random_state=13,cv_num = 5)


models = {}

for mdl in ['lr','knn','tree','svm','mlp','rf','gb','ada','xgb','hgboost','huber','rgcv','cvlasso','sgd']:
    models[mdl] = joblib.load('./pkl/{}_reg_model.pkl'.format(mdl))

for name, mdl in models.items():
        ml_evl = evaluate_model(model_type = "reg")
        ml_evl.fit(name, mdl, val_features, val_labels)
        print(f"Failed to load the {mdl}.")
Done with the parameters reset.
Now in Progress - Model Selection w/ Cross-validation: Estimate about 0.0337 minutes left  [#-------------------] 7.1%

    *DynaPipe* autoCV Module ===> lr model CrossValidation with 5 folds:
Best Parameters: {'normalize': False}

Best CV Score: 0.682929422892965

Now in Progress - Model Selection w/ Cross-validation: Estimate about 0.5549 minutes left  [###-----------------] 14.3%

    *DynaPipe* autoCV Module ===> knn model CrossValidation with 5 folds:
Best Parameters: {'algorithm': 'auto', 'n_neighbors': 10, 'weights': 'distance'}

Best CV Score: 0.5277324478219082

Now in Progress - Model Selection w/ Cross-validation: Estimate about 0.2383 minutes left  [####----------------] 21.4%

    *DynaPipe* autoCV Module ===> tree model CrossValidation with 5 folds:
Best Parameters: {'max_depth': 5, 'min_samples_leaf': 3, 'splitter': 'best'}

Best CV Score: 0.7704058399460141

Now in Progress - Model Selection w/ Cross-validation: Estimate about 11.0461 minutes left  [######--------------] 28.6%

    *DynaPipe* autoCV Module ===> svm model CrossValidation with 5 folds:
Best Parameters: {'C': 1, 'kernel': 'linear'}

Best CV Score: 0.6817778239200576

Now in Progress - Model Selection w/ Cross-validation: Estimate about 20.2113 minutes left  [#######-------------] 35.7%

    *DynaPipe* autoCV Module ===> mlp model CrossValidation with 5 folds:
Best Parameters: {'activation': 'identity', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (50,), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'random_state': 13, 'solver': 'lbfgs'}

Best CV Score: 0.6556246414762388

Now in Progress - Model Selection w/ Cross-validation: Estimate about 3.1693 minutes left  [#########-----------] 42.9%

    *DynaPipe* autoCV Module ===> rf model CrossValidation with 5 folds:
Best Parameters: {'max_depth': 8, 'n_estimators': 50}

Best CV Score: 0.8582920563031621

Now in Progress - Model Selection w/ Cross-validation: Estimate about 18.0094 minutes left  [##########----------] 50.0%

    *DynaPipe* autoCV Module ===> gb model CrossValidation with 5 folds:
Best Parameters: {'learning_rate': 0.2, 'max_depth': 3, 'n_estimators': 100}

Best CV Score: 0.8794018441486111

Now in Progress - Model Selection w/ Cross-validation: Estimate about 18.7663 minutes left  [###########---------] 57.1%

    *DynaPipe* autoCV Module ===> ada model CrossValidation with 5 folds:
Best Parameters: {'learning_rate': 0.3, 'loss': 'linear', 'n_estimators': 150, 'random_state': 13}

Best CV Score: 0.8255039215809923

Now in Progress - Model Selection w/ Cross-validation: Estimate about 4.545 minutes left  [#############-------] 64.3%

    *DynaPipe* autoCV Module ===> xgb model CrossValidation with 5 folds:
Best Parameters: {'learning_rate': 0.1, 'max_depth': 3, 'n_estimators': 300, 'verbosity': 0}

Best CV Score: 0.8645505523555148

Now in Progress - Model Selection w/ Cross-validation: Estimate about 1.6471 minutes left  [##############------] 71.4%

    *DynaPipe* autoCV Module ===> hgboost model CrossValidation with 5 folds:
Best Parameters: {'learning_rate': 0.2, 'max_depth': 3}

Best CV Score: 0.8490465745463796

Now in Progress - Model Selection w/ Cross-validation: Estimate about 0.0182 minutes left  [################----] 78.6%

    *DynaPipe* autoCV Module ===> huber model CrossValidation with 5 folds:
Best Parameters: {'fit_intercept': False}

Best CV Score: 0.6250877399211718

Now in Progress - Model Selection w/ Cross-validation: Estimate about 0.0024 minutes left  [#################---] 85.7%

    *DynaPipe* autoCV Module ===> rgcv model CrossValidation with 5 folds:
Best Parameters: {'fit_intercept': True}

Best CV Score: 0.6814764830347567

Now in Progress - Model Selection w/ Cross-validation: Estimate about 0.011 minutes left  [###################-] 92.9%

    *DynaPipe* autoCV Module ===> cvlasso model CrossValidation with 5 folds:
Best Parameters: {'fit_intercept': True}

Best CV Score: 0.6686184981380419

Now in Progress - Model Selection w/ Cross-validation: Estimate about 0.0 minutes left  [####################] 100.0%

    *DynaPipe* autoCV Module ===> sgd model CrossValidation with 5 folds:
Best Parameters: {'learning_rate': 'invscaling', 'penalty': 'elasticnet', 'shuffle': True}

Best CV Score: -1.445728757185719e+26

lr -- R^2 Score: 0.684 / Mean Absolute Error: 3.674 / Mean Squared Error: 24.037 / Root Mean Squared Error: 24.037 / Latency: 2.0s
knn -- R^2 Score: 0.307 / Mean Absolute Error: 4.639 / Mean Squared Error: 52.794 / Root Mean Squared Error: 52.794 / Latency: 3.0s
tree -- R^2 Score: 0.671 / Mean Absolute Error: 3.141 / Mean Squared Error: 25.077 / Root Mean Squared Error: 25.077 / Latency: 1.0s
svm -- R^2 Score: 0.649 / Mean Absolute Error: 3.466 / Mean Squared Error: 26.746 / Root Mean Squared Error: 26.746 / Latency: 7.0s
mlp -- R^2 Score: 0.629 / Mean Absolute Error: 3.56 / Mean Squared Error: 28.244 / Root Mean Squared Error: 28.244 / Latency: 4.0s
rf -- R^2 Score: 0.772 / Mean Absolute Error: 2.677 / Mean Squared Error: 17.327 / Root Mean Squared Error: 17.327 / Latency: 10.0s
gb -- R^2 Score: 0.775 / Mean Absolute Error: 2.616 / Mean Squared Error: 17.126 / Root Mean Squared Error: 17.126 / Latency: 1.0s
ada -- R^2 Score: 0.749 / Mean Absolute Error: 2.933 / Mean Squared Error: 19.09 / Root Mean Squared Error: 19.09 / Latency: 18.0s
xgb -- R^2 Score: 0.776 / Mean Absolute Error: 2.66 / Mean Squared Error: 17.02 / Root Mean Squared Error: 17.02 / Latency: 5.0s
hgboost -- R^2 Score: 0.758 / Mean Absolute Error: 2.98 / Mean Squared Error: 18.412 / Root Mean Squared Error: 18.412 / Latency: 9.2s
huber -- R^2 Score: 0.613 / Mean Absolute Error: 3.63 / Mean Squared Error: 29.476 / Root Mean Squared Error: 29.476 / Latency: 4.0s
rgcv -- R^2 Score: 0.672 / Mean Absolute Error: 3.757 / Mean Squared Error: 24.983 / Root Mean Squared Error: 24.983 / Latency: 3.0s
cvlasso -- R^2 Score: 0.661 / Mean Absolute Error: 3.741 / Mean Squared Error: 25.821 / Root Mean Squared Error: 25.821 / Latency: 4.0s
sgd -- R^2 Score: -7.6819521340367e+26 / Mean Absolute Error: 239048363331832.62 / Mean Squared Error: 5.849722584020232e+28 / Root Mean Squared Error: 5.849722584020232e+28 / Latency: 1.0s

Custom estimators & parameters setting for for autoCV:

Currently, there’re 3 methods in utilis_fun module - reset_parameters, update_parameters, and export_parameters.

  • update_parameters method is used to modify the default parameter settings for models selection module (autoCV).

    i.e. When you want to modify the support vector machine classifier, with new penalty “C” and “kernel” values, the code line below will achieve that.

update_parameters(mode = "cls", estimator_name = "svm", C=[0.1,0.2],kernel=["linear"])
  • export_parameters method can help you export the currnt default parameter settings as 2 csv files named “exported_cls_parameters.csv” and “exported_reg_parameters.csv”. You can find them in the ./exported folder of you current work dictionary.
  • reset_parameters method can reset the default parameter settings to the package’s original default settings. Just add this code line will work:

Build Pipeline Cluster Traveral Experiments using autoPipe:

Demo Code:
import pandas as pd
from dynapipe.autoPipe import autoPipe
from dynapipe.funcPP import PPtools
from dynapipe.autoPP import dynaPreprocessing
from dynapipe.autoFS import dynaFS_clf
from dynapipe.autoCV import evaluate_model,dynaClassifier

df = pd.read_csv('./data/preprocessing/breast_cancer.csv')

pipe = autoPipe(
[("autoPP",dynaPreprocessing(custom_parameters = None, label_col = 'diagnosis', model_type = "cls")),
("datasets_splitting",pipeline_splitting_rule(val_size = 0.2, test_size = 0.2, random_state = 13)),
("autoFS",dynaFS_clf(fs_num = 5, random_state=13, cv = 5, in_pipeline = True, input_from_file = False)),
("autoCV",dynaClassifier(random_state = 13,cv_num = 5,in_pipeline = True, input_from_file = False)),
("model_evaluate",evaluate_model(model_type = "cls"))])

dyna_report= pipe.fit(df)[4]
      Dataset    Model_Name    Best_Parameters         Accuracy       Precision       Recall  Latency
1     Dataset_0       svm     [('C', 0.1), ('kernel', 'linear')]        0.930 0.889 0.96 3.0
6     Dataset_0       xgb     [('learning_rate', 1), ('max_depth', 2), ('n_estimators', 50), ('random_state', 13)]    0.912   0.955   0.84    2.0
40    Dataset_5       gb      [('learning_rate', 1), ('max_depth', 2), ('n_estimators', 50), ('random_state', 13)]    0.895   0.913   0.84    2.0
31    Dataset_4       rf      [('max_depth', 2), ('n_estimators', 50), ('random_state', 13)]  0.877   0.821   0.92    12.0
51    Dataset_7       mlp     [('activation', 'relu'), ('hidden_layer_sizes', (10,)), ('learning_rate', 'constant'), ('random_state', 13), ('solver', 'sgd')] 0.772   0.875   0.56    4.0

Pipeline Cluster Traversal Experiments Model Retrieval Diagram using autoViz:

Demo Code:
from dynapipe.autoViz import autoViz
viz = autoViz(preprocess_dict=DICT_PREPROCESSING,report=dyna_report)

